All this time they presented a dull brown appearance, no stripes being. 1, analyzed the striping and geographic ranges of these species and subspecies, comparing them to the geographic ranges of biting flies known as tabanids, which can carry disease. My own observations also confirm that the stripes of the zebra are of protective. The new study, published in the journal Nature Communications on Apr. Within these species, some subspecies have more or less striping. While there are several rodent, carnivore and ungulate species with faint longitudinal or transverse striping, none approach the highly contrasting black and white stripes that are found on zebras and the rumps of the okapi ( Okapia johnstoni ). Three have prominent black and white stripes, like the zebra, one has stripes only on its lower legs, and the other three have gray or brown coats with no stripes. There are seven species of equids that the researchers analyzed. The flies are attracted to light reflecting off water, which is twisted in a certain way known as "linear polarized." The researchers proposed that the black and white stripes of the zebra created an opposite polarizing effect in the flies' eyes by confusing them. The narrower the stripes, the fewer flies. The researchers found that a zebra statue with a striped coat attracted fewer horseflies than a zebra statue with a brown, white, grey, or black coat. The idea was first put forth by researchers in the Journal Of Experimental Biology last year. Zebra has no stripes, Lion has no mane, Giraffe is short, and Parrot has no colorful feathers. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. Just as no two human fingerprints are alike, no two zebras have the same stripe pattern.